Thursday, 31 July 2014

Psychic Readings


Psychic Readings
Have you ever been in a relationship where you could just think about that person and suddenly the phone would ring and it would be them? Where you knew what they were thinking and feeling, even finishing each other's sentences at times? Well the same law applies to breakups. Often we are still connected to our ex’s and can feel what they are thinking, whether they are with someone else, what is happening in their lives and we still feel the ache of our connection to them in our hearts. This can be quite difficult as we are connected to the ones we love often through energy points called chakras, which is through the heart and the belly. This is why we often suffer from a” broken heart where we feel such extreme pain when a relationship is ended. But here's the good news. Even though your lover may have walked away and ended the relationship, there is often still a connection between you two. This connection is both emotional and psychic and there is a way you can use that Psychic Readings connection to remind your lover of the good times between you two so that they will be thinking about you and remembering the positive things. You see, trying to call and convince your ex to return only puts more pressure and creates more negativity. It makes you appear needy and pushy and it pushes them further away. Trying to apologize more than once usually just reminds them of the things they found annoying and the reasons they broke up with you. But if you give them some space and allow yourself to use that connection you two had before, when you would think about them strongly and they would call you, you may just be able to bring them back. Here is how you do it, you give them a lot of space, and you do not call text or email trying to convince them to come back. You find pictures of them or things that remind you of them and focus very strongly on their energy, and all the good times you two had together. You have to concentrate, concentrate very hard on their very essence. On the way it felt to make love to them and how much you two laughed together and all the good positive things you experienced in the relationship so they will be thinking about you and remembering those positive things. The closer to the breakup you do this, the more effective it is. I would highly recommend that you do this during the evening when they are asleep as their mind is more susceptible then. Even if this person is angry with you, they are missing you in some way. And if you continue to focus on that connection you have through your heart, you can continue the psychic connection to the point where they start remembering all the positive things that you are thinking about and begin to miss you and make contact with you again. From there, as long as you stay positive and do not try and convince them to return, but simply behave in a caring manner as a friend and allow the good times to return, then there is a potential to reunite.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Psychic Readings

As a professional psychic I am constantly asked, “When am I going to find love?”
And as much as I want to reassure the lonely souls that it will happen soon, I find that love only comes to us when we are emotionally ready for it. We may think we are ready for it, but often something within ourselves has not reached a point of growth or resolution to attract or accept love when it could be ours. Many astrologers say that there are certain aspects that show when love is likely to come into ones life and I have seen this myself. It is complicated but I have seen over and over that love happens when the planets are aligned a certain way and the individual has learned some necessary life lessons that led them to be open to love. Many psychics will agree with this. Of course it is how we handle that love when we find it that decides whether it will last or not, but that is a subject or another time. I myself recently found a good opportunity for what looked like love. Everyone said this man was crazy about me. But I had just come out of a long illness, moved to a new area and had some emotional healing to do from a past relationship. So even though this man could have been a great love at another time, I found myself unconsciously putting obstacles in the way and pushing this, beautiful man away, confusing and disappointing him. Yet somehow I also knew he was not ready for love, he was ready for sex. I asked him to remain friends and take things slowly. We had shard a few wonderful kisses, but not had sex. Yet he was reaching for me physically, as men are want to do. And when I asked him if he could be patient and get to know me as a friend to establish compatibility, he offered to take me to lunch and then disappeared. He was really not ready for love as he had tried to convince himself, he was ready for a lover and wanted to find one quickly without putting the effort into what it takes to create a lasting relationship by building a friendship first.Going out on dates and practicing even when we are not at a time when we are ready for love is good practice. Even, we can get our feelings hurt, but if we are strong enough we can learn to build self-esteem but not taking anther's pain that has been projected upon us personally. We can learn what we do and don’t want; we can learn how to better relate to the opposite sex. Sometimes we gain great insight Form those we date but will not become bonded with, but only when we have healed from our pasts and learned the karmic lessons set out for us will true and lasting love enters our lives. Sometimes a good Psychic Readings can bring clarity to the issues of timing or love in your life, so you can feel less anxiety and focus on preparing for love when the time is right.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Psychic Readings

                  Psychic Readings

Last night I had the most amazing dream. I was in the best part of New York and had just been left to run a huge apartment that was empty my roommate was leaving it to me and it was an amazing place with four bedrooms beautifully furnished but all empty. I needed to decide what to do with it. Now I have only spent three days in New York in my life. Having grown up interpreting dreams over the breakfast table every morning with my mother I knew that this one was symbolic. It was telling me what I was going through emotionally, situationally as it was telling me what I had to work with in my life and there were decisions to be made. It was also telling me that I had more beauty and value at my disposal than I was allowing myself to believe. You see I had just come from an illness and am finding myself on the mend more rapidly than I expected. I had moved to a new area for the summer where I knew I would be shielded and cared for. The weather would be mild and the people would be friendly. But the sickness that I faced had caused deep depression and I had found myself looking down that deep tunnel of my own mortality that leads to the afterlife. However, I did not pass I was given a second chance. People often ask me if dreams are prophetic. Although sometimes they are, it is often more complicated than that. Dreams are your subconscious mind's way of processing what you are going through emotionally and sometimes using your own subconscious symbolism to let you know what you have to work with. However you may want to get a good Psychic Readings just to be sure if you have an especially intense dream. Sometimes dreams will cause us to face things that we try and avoid in our real lives, our fears or hopes. Often dreams are of our desires things that we are missing in our life and want. But as we mature, often we wake up from very profound dreams such as I just had and find it is our subconscious way of letting us know what choices we have facing us, what issues are disturbing us. Sometimes within those dreams we can even work those issues out. One of the most intense dreams that changed my life was a reoccurring nightmare in which I was stranded in the middle of an ocean surrounded by giant sharks wanting to eat me and I was helpless. At that moment I suddenly realized there was nothing I could do. Then suddenly my mind saw my clenched fist that opened, relaxed, and let go and as I let go of my fear, the sharks disappeared and I found myself on land. From that day on I learn how to relax and not let fear rule me. I never had that nightmare again. I am often asked the meeting if dreams as many people see them as prophetic.  Yet as one who believes that we create our own destiny I see dreams as something that can be quite therapeutic if we pay attention to them and learn what's each symbol in our dream means to us, then we will learn how to overcome our fears, how to reach out and attain our goals and how to process in a healthy way. That which is been disturbing us. If you have dreams you feel need interpretation, you can get your free psychic reading for dream interpretation from psychic Joan Marie Lawson.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Free psychic question

                     Free psychic question a psychic who answers one Free Psychic Question to your email, I get a lot of questions from people asking me why it is so difficult to get over a breakup with a lover. Many people want to let go and forget, but simply can't. Their friends are of no help because they tell them to simply” get over it” and they don't understand why they can't and still want to talk about the one who left them behind. The answer to this is twofold. One is because we create a spirit connection or what many psychics call a spirit cord that attaches us to this person. We often feel it in both our heart and our belly chakras and when our lover pull away from us, it actually cracks these chakras open and we feel deep and extreme pain in those areas of our body. The other part is physical. Modern research has shown that when we fall in love with someone, our brain is flooded with chemicals that make us happy and create an addiction to that person. These chemicals are called dopamine, serotonin, as well as a few others. They can be stronger than any street drugs out there and that is why some people say that love makes us crazy. When we really love someone we connect with them psychically, emotionally and spiritually and many of us can still feel what that person is feeling. We often get flashes and senses of them, what they are feeling, if there with another person or the pain of still being connected to them can be overwhelming. We often wonder if there is a chance to reunite. And sometimes there is, as the connection often goes both ways. Breakups come from many reasons and sometimes they can be resolved. This is due to the fact that the one who breaks up often still feels the connection as well, and if one learns how to work on that connection using the psychic connection, without harassing, pursuing or trying to convince the loss love to return, then often the one who left will miss their lover and will return to give it another try. But to regain a lost love sometimes it takes the help and advice of a good psychic reading. That is because mistakes were made that created the problem in the first place. Often only deep insight from a good psychic can help to resolve these issues. If the relationship has been damaged beyond repair then sometimes it takes a good psychic with the powers of Reki healing to help mend these broken chakras and cut the cords with the lost love so that the one left behind can be open to love again. When one is still stuck on a lover who has left and is unsure whether they will return or if they need a healing to become open to new love, a good psychic reading can help.